Fleet management and fuel monitoring

fleet and fuel monitoring is one of the biggest necessities for fleet owners today

You can ask any person owning a fleet of vehicles or running a logistic company, when it comes to fuel management and fleet control, if you don't manage it you are going to loose a lot of capital. The main function of fleet management was originally for fleet managers and fleet owners in Africa to monitor precisely where their vehicles go and if they are driven correctly. Having control over drivers by monitoring the driver's behavior has saved fleet and logistics companies a lot in fleet vehicle maintenance but unfortunately there was no easy way to prevent fuel theft.

During the past 8 years Digit's fleet and fuel management system has perfected fuel monitoring and diesel theft notification. Not just on fleet vehicles and for fleet managers but we have now expanded into fuel monitoring Depot Diesel Bowsers and big fuel storage at the company premises. No matter the size of your fleet or vehicles.

fleet-managment-single-fuel-monitoringSingle Fuel

When it comes to fuel monitoring and fleet management we have found fleet owners or logistics companies have 90% vehicles with a single diesel tank or a single fuel dispensary. This is the best selling fleet management system and fuel monitoring combination product in South Africa.

fleet-managment-longhaul-fuel-monitoringMulti Fuel

Long Haul fleet vehicles and most logistics companies own vehicles with multiple diesel tanks, some of them even three tanks. This product is a single unit that can monitor up to 3 tank level sensors. We have found in diesel theft that these fleet vehicles are targeted most due to the amount of fuel they have on board

fleet-managment-bowser-fuel-monitoringBowser Fuel

Some of the bigger companies have a diesel Bowser on the premises at the fleet yard and they dispence fuel mostly directly to their vehicles. These bowsers can become a headache to manage but we have a fuel monitoring system that shows you the amount of fuel that was dispenced and it can show you the amount of fuel that was filled in the fleet vehicle. Making Digit one of the most comprehensive fleet management system and fuel monitoring systems in Africa.

The single highest recurring expense in most business is the cost of running their vehicle fleet. A saving of only 1% may be all that is needed to move a company from a position of loss to profit. Over the past 11 years, Digit has fitted systems that have saved companies not only money, but in some cases, literally prevented them from going insolvent.

Fuel graph

As a fleet manager you would want a overview of the full day's fuel usage of any given fleet vehicle. With the digit fleet and fuel management system you can have the full usage graph for the day at the press of a button. You can then have a quick overview of where fuel was added (as in the example here) and by clicking at the point of interest it will actually give you the location and time the vehicle was at that specific point.


Company Fuel management starts here

Diesel and Petrol sales in South Africa total more than R800million per day. The theft of fuel is a massive industry and this valuable commodity forms part of a system that is costing companies dearly. Most businesses do not know where and when the fuel is being stolen, believing that it is drained or siphoned on the side of the road. Digit fleet and fuel management knows that this is not always the case, and our research shows that most stolen fuel never reaches the vehicle’s tank.

Make sure the fuel/diesel amount you are charged for is actually delivered to you. This is a big issue for fleet managers and logistics companies for having no proof of theft at this point.

How DFuel fleet and fuel management works

A diesel/fuel sensor is installed into the company fuel dispensary tank with a
fleet and fuel management device giving you updates of your bowser fuel levels every few minutes and it can send you a notification when the fuel level starts dropping.

Digit fleet and live fuel monitoring bowser tracking


We sell a fleet management solution not a tracking device.

DFuel fleet and fuel management solutions were designed for fleet vehicle installations, to keep you informed of diesel in a vehicle whilst it is traveling as well as if it stops to refuel. The latest systems work just as well in static installations and we can now handle fuel storage tanks 3m deep and up to 65000 liters of diesel can be monitored by a single device. Huge improvements in the design means that we enjoy better accuracy, longer service life and the ability to handle petrol as well as diesel.

digit fleet and fuel management logbooksCoupled with the Digit fleet and fuel management solution, the Digit software can produce reports that include information to manage and correlate fuel slips. For the first time operators can check if the fuel they are paying for actually arrives in the truck tank. Digit fleet and fuel management system is able to show all fuel adds, where they occurred, the date and time and how many liters were added. The same applies to any thefts.

digit fleet and fuel management 99% accurateDepending on the shape and size of the tank, once calibrated, accuracy is typically better than 1% error. With training and support from the Digit team, we will give you the tools to understand this technology so that it becomes the most valuable tool in your expense control.

The Digit team is willing to walk you through the process to understand what we can do, to get you back in control. DFuel fuel monitoring and fleet management system is designed to save you more money than it costs, so your profitability climbs, your efficiency improves and your business can grow.


Fuel theft

As a fleet controller from your daily trip reports you can instantly see when fuel was stolen and the amount taken. With the digit fleet and fuel management system you can have the a fuel theft investigated within 24hours of it happening. You have the specific place, time and date (as in the example here) to quickly get a resolution as to why fuel was removed from the vehicle.


Vehicle Lock

Fleet owners don't want their fleet vehicles moving after office hours and don't want to sit and monitor it daily like a police officer. Now you can simply lock the vehicles on your cellphone application and receive a notification once any of the vehicles move. This feature was designed for the Logistics owners that know when a specific vehicle is not allowed to move.